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14-Day RLP Challenge: The Marriage Record Search Continues

  Image by Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay Each year, the authors of the Research Like a Pro books, blog, and podcast challenge family history researchers to complete a 14-day project using the Research Like a Pro (RLP) method. For last year's 14-day challenge, I attempted to find the parents of my 2x great-grandmother Catherine Ryan. (You can read about that project HERE .) This year, I'm continuing my quest to find the marriage record of Mary Jane Sheridan and Philip Cassidy, a set of 3x great-grandparents. The seven steps of the RLP method have been split out over 14 days for the challenge, and I'm already knee-deep into the project. Follow along as I report on my steps this week and next, and what I find along the way.   Jan. 21—Objective: Research Question To begin a project, the RLP method asks "What question do you have about an ancestor's life that you’d like to discover?" You do this by reviewing your family tree to determine what info is still mis...

Military Photo Mystery: Where Did Anton Saurmann Serve?

Anton Saurmann

I'm helping a friend with her family history, and she has given me some great raw materials to work with to piece together her family's story.

One such item is a black-and-white photo of her great-grandfather Anton Saurmann in a military uniform. His name was written on the photo back, and she knew that he was German. 

Knowing virtually nothing about German military units, I turned to the internet to see if I could figure out what branch he served in.

I focused on the uniform's distinguishing features. There were three:

  • the open jacket collar
  • the various insignia
  • the belt buckle

I thought perhaps Saurmann was not a high-ranking officer since his uniform with the open collar seemed plain and a little informal. Though the photo's details were blurry when I zoomed in, it appeared his jacket had an eagle insignia above one pocket, and each collar point had a single patch with a v-shape. Lastly, his belt buckle had a raised oval shape with what appeared to be a dot in the center.

Fortunately, there are quite a few German WWII army uniforms images online. The first thing I noticed was that many uniform belts buckles featured a round shape, not an oval one. But I found several uniform illustrations and a few had the same spread-open collar as the man in the photo did. 

Focusing on the belt buckle, I Googled "German army belt buckles WWII" and found images from a website selling reproduction military uniforms. Some images showed belt buckles with either a circle or an oval insignia. Inside the oval-shaped one was a flying eagle with spread wings and a swastika in its talons. The buckles were titled "WW2 Luftwaffe EM." Could Saurmann have served in the Luftwaffe?1

Reproduction Luftwaffe belt buckles from an online website.

Turning back to Anton Saurmann's photo and zooming in on the belt buckle, I could see the faint outline of the same eagle wings. What I had thought was a dot in the buckle's center was likely the eagle's beak. 

Closeup of Anton Saurmann's belt buckle.

Googling Luftwaffe uniform images revealed even more specific illustrations for that branch. An enlisted man's uniform looked most like the one worn by our man in the photo. It had the open collar, the various insignia in the same places...

and the all-important belt buckle with the oval insignia.2

Luftwaffe enlisted man's belt buckle.

But was I correct in my assumption? I emailed our friend with my theory. She consulted her father and he confirmed that, yes, his grandfather Anton Saurmann had served in the Luftwaffe during WWII.

Discovering more about Anton Saurmann's military service and private life are a project for another day. But what a fascinating photo to research. 

Do you have an unidentified photo of a man in uniform? Wikipedia is a great resource for images of various countries' military uniforms.

Until next time...

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Undated photograph of Anton Saurmann, unknown location or photographer. Private collection of G. Hood, Chandler, Oklahoma, 2023.


1 Epic Militaria ( : 8 September 2023), "Enlisted Man Belt Buckles."

2 Wikipedia (, JAN #1 a joint Army and Navy publication UNIFORMS AND INSIGNIA prepared by the Military Intelligence Service and the Division of Naval Intelligence, United States Department of War, 1943-44, p. 26, "German Air Force Luftwaffe WW2 Continental uniforms Officers and men." The publication was a recognition manual released by the U.S. War Department during World War II for field use by the American fighting forces. Image in the public domain.


  1. Nancy, I love how interesting your posts are. I especially am impressed with your detailed sources. Your posts are great models for our family history stories.

  2. Thank you so much for reading, and for your kind words. I love to dig in to the records and enjoy finding new and interesting sources.


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